《画法几何与土木建筑制图》(谢美芝 王晓燕)中文电子课件+教学大纲+试题试卷
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画法几何与土木建筑制图 |
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《画法几何与土木建筑制图》(谢美芝 王晓燕)中文电子课件+教学大纲+试题试卷
第1章制图的基本知识与技能(Basic Knowledge and Skills of Drafting)2
1.1国家制图标准的有关规定(Relevant Regulations of National Drawing Standards)2
1.2常用手工绘图工具及用法(Commonly Used Manual Drawing Tools and the Usage)8
1.3几何作图(Geometric Drawing)10
第2章投影的基本知识(Basic Knowledge of Projections)15
2.1投影的概念(Conception of Projection)15
2.2正投影的特性(Characteristics of Orthographic Projection)17
2.3三面投影(Threeplane Projection)18
第3章点、直线的投影及两直线的相对位置(Projections of Points and Straight Lines,
Relative Position of Two Straight Lines)21
3.1点的投影(Projection of Points)21
3.2直线的投影(Projection of Straight Lines)26
第4章平面的投影(Projection of Plane)39
4.1平面的表示(Representation of Plane)39
4.2各种位置平面的投影特性(Projection Characteristic of Various Position Planes)40
4.3平面内的点和直线(Points and Straight Lines in the Plane)43
第5章直线与平面、平面与平面的相对位置(Relative Positions Between a Straight
Line and a Plane and Between Planes)47
5.1直线与平面、平面与平面的平行(Straight Line Parallel to Plane,Plane Parallelto Plane)47
5.2直线与平面、平面与平面的相交(Intersection of Straight Line and Plane, Plane and Plane)51
5.3直线与平面、平面与平面垂直(Perpendicularity of Straight Line and Plane, Planeand Plane)58
第6章投影变换(Projection Transformation)63
6.2换面法(Conversion Surface Method)64
6.3旋转法(Rotation Method)74
7.1立体表面上取点和线(Points and Lines on Surface of Solid)77
7.2立体的截交线(Lines of Section)85
第8章两立体表面的交线(Intersecting Lines of two Solid Surfaces)96
8.1两平面立体相贯(Intersection of two Planar Solids)97
8.2平面立体与曲面立体相贯(Intersection of a Plane Solid with a Curved Solid)99
8.3两曲面立体相贯(Intersection of two Curved Solids)100
8.4同坡屋面交线(Intersecting Lines of SameSlope Roofs )105
第9章曲线与曲面的画法(Drawing Method of Curves and Curved Surfaces)108
9.2曲面(Curved Surfaces)110
9.3回转曲面(Revolution Surfaces)111
9.4非回转直纹曲面(Nonrevolution Ruled Surfaces)113
第10章组合体的投影(Projection of Combination Solids)119
10.1组合体的构成及分析方法(Constitution and the Analysis Method of Combination Solids)119
10.2组合体投影图的画法(Drawing of Combination Solids Projections)122
10.3组合体的尺寸标注(Dimensioning of Combination Solids)124
10.4阅读组合体投影图(Reading Projections of Combination Solids)128
第11章工程形体的常用表达方法(Common Expressions of Engineering Objects)135
11.4简化画法(Simplified Representations)148
第12章轴测图的画法(Axonometric Projection)150
12.1轴测图投影的基本知识(Basic Knowledge of Axonometric Projection)150
12.2正等轴测图的画法(Drawing Method of Isometric Projection)152
12.3平行于坐标面的圆的轴测投影(Axonometric Projections of Circles Paralleled to Coordinate Planes)156
12.4斜轴测图的画法(Drawing Method of Oblique Axonometric Projection)159
12.5轴测投影的剖切画法(Drawing Method of Sectional Axonometric Projection)161
12.6轴测投影的选择(Choice of Axonometric Projections)162
第13章标高投影(Elevation Projection)165
13.1标高投影的概念(Conception of Topographical Projection)165
13.2点和直线的标高投影(Elevation Projection of Points and Lines)165
13.3平面的标高投影(Elevation Projection of Plane)169
13.4曲面的标高投影(Elevation Projection of Curved Plane)174
13.5平面、曲面与地形面的交线(Intersection Lines of Plane,Curved Plane and Topographic Surface)179
第14章房屋建筑施工图( Building Construction Drawings)183
14.1房屋的组成及其施工图(Components of Building and the Construction Drawings)183
14.2建筑施工图的相关规定(Relevant Regulations for Construction Drawings )185
14.3设计(总)说明和建筑总平面图(Description of Design and Architectural Site Plan)190
14.4建筑平面图(Architectural Plan)195
14.5建筑立面图(Architectural Elevation)201
14.6建筑剖面图(Architectural Section)205
14.7建筑详图(Architectural Details)207
第15章结构施工图(Structural Working Drawing)210
15.2钢筋混凝土结构图(Reinforced Concrete Structure Drawing)212
15.3基础图(Foundation Drawing)223
15.4结构施工图平面整体表示法简介(Brief Introduction to Plane Integration Expression Method)227
15.5钢结构图(Steel Structure Drawing)234
第16章道路路线工程图(Engineering Drawings of Road Route)242
16.1公路路线工程图(Engineering Drawings of Highway Route)243
16.2城市道路路线横断面图、平面及纵断面图(Cross Sections,Plan and Longitudinal Sections of Urban Road Routes)250
16.3道路交叉口(Road Intersections)254
第17章桥、隧、涵工程图(Engineering Drawings of Bridges, Tunnels and Culverts)257
17.1桥梁工程图(Engineering Drawings of Bridges)257
17.2隧道工程图(Engineering Drawings of Tunnel)272
17.3涵洞工程图(Engineering Drawings of Culvert)275
第18章水利工程图(Hydraulic Engineering Drawings)278
18.2水工图的分类及特点(Classification and Characteristic of Hydraulic Engineering Drawings)280
18.3水工图的表达方法(Expression Method of Hydraulic Engineering Drawings)285
18.4水工图中常见曲面的画法(Drawing Method of Common Curved Surfaces in Hydraulic Engineering Drawings)287
18.5水工图的尺寸标注(Dimensioning of Hydraulic Engineering Drawing)289
18.6水工图的阅读和绘制(Reading and Drawing of Hydraulic Engineering Drawings)292
第19章建筑给水排水工程施工图(Construction Drawing of Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering)297
19.2建筑给水排水工程施工图规定表达(Prescribed Expression of Construction Drawing of Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering)297
19.3建筑给水排水工程总平面图和平面图(Site Plan and Plan of Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering)302
19.4建筑给水排水管道系统图(Drawing of Building Water Supply and Sewerage Pipeline System)305
19.5局部平面放大图、剖面图(Partial Enlarged Plan and Section)308

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