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当前位置:课件009首页 >> 职教研究 >> 教育教学 >> 做好青少年学生思想政治工作的若干思考


(作者未知) 2010/6/12

   【Abstract】The present age teen-agers has been the generation growing up in the reform and openness, has experienced that the reform and openness gives enormous that China brings about change firsthand, has also has experienced a reform and openness giving hope and opportunity brought about by people. Also have accepted a lot of new trend of thought and outside trend of thought of the tradition notion maximum affects people at the same time with the development of socialist commodity economy but. These affect the enormous change having also aroused youth student thought, feasible teen-agers ideological and political work is to be confronted with all kinds of impingement and challenge more. The teen-agers student is a motherland and future hope of nation, they are in the key period that world outlook; outlook on life; values forms, the external world easy to accept disturbs and affects, Therefore how to do a good job in teen-agers ideological and political work is that significance is outstanding one be worth thinking deeply that important problem. The main body of a book effect waits for aspect to “have carried out certain analysis with regard to guiding principle, method, content connotation, ability doing a good job in teen-agers ideological and political work”, right away how to do a good job in and teen-agers ideological and political work, need “to set up morals”, “aspire” to have suggested that, “oil transportation”, trains of thought such as “performing oxygen therapy”, “entering a net entering the brain”, are that ideological and political work confesses to use the ef(未完,下一页


页码选择:1 2 3 4
1 价值领航精神铸魂双制育人——例论
2 阳光下的阴影——浅析学校教育对青
3 浅析新时代高职学生思想政治工作
4 新时期加强青少年法制教育之我见
5 加强青少年学生法制教育必须提高教
6 生命因你而精彩——由上海17岁少
7 青少年科技科普教育中科学精神的培
8 科学文化建设需要重视科学普及和科
9 论“饭圈文化”对青少年的影响
10 做好青少年学生思想政治工作的若干
11 习近平总书记关于高校思想政治工作
12 浅谈如何打造青少年宫趣味性语言表
13 何为偶像?流量明星对青少年的影响
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3 新期待巧沟通类施教勤关爱——中职
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5 中职教育利用“互联网+”技术,创
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7 “互联网+”背景下中职班级管理实
8 初中数学教学中数形结合思想的应用
9 小学数学教学生活化的策略研究
10 现代学徒制思想在中职电工电子教学
11 让“德育之种”在中职语文的课堂上
12 未来型人才培养中的高校学生工作探
13 项目教学法在《机械制图》教学中的
14 浅析中职班主任班级管理中的沟通艺
15 大众化教育形势下中等职业院校数学

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