(作者未知) 2010/5/21
摘要: 为了克服现有抄片机手工操作引起的种种产品缺陷 , 采用模块化、集成化、逻辑分析等方法 , 针对特殊使用要求设计了一种应用在高性能纸基摩擦材料抄片工艺上的气动机械手 , 包括机械手硬件结构、动作流程以及气动控制回路。采用 AS_i总线整合机械手传感器、终端位置控制器、阀岛和控制器等 , 具有上扩展能力 , 可以达到设计使用要求。
关键词: 气动机械手; 抄片机; AS_i总线
Abstract: The sheet2 making apparatus used in p roducing a kind of high2 performance fricti on material has s ome li mitati ons A pneumatic robotic mani pulat or used t o refit this sheet making apparatuswas designed through the app roach ofmodularizati on, integra ti on and l ogic analysis The mani pulat orwas constructured by an integrati on of vari ous pneumatic cylinders, sens ors, valve islands and servo2 positi oning contr oller based on actuat orsens or interface (AS_ i) bus1The mani pulat or realized the requirements of refitting and can be extended in the future
Keywords: Pneumatic robotic mani pulat or ; Sheet2 making apparatus ; AS_i bus