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陈福云 2024/12/15 18:37:36

   摘要:结构复杂多跳无线传感器网络物理层安全性能优化时存在组合窃听问题。为了提高无线传感器网络(Wireless sensor networks, WSN)安全路由安全性,设计了一种基于功率分配安全路由算法的传输总功率消耗性能评估方法。研究结果表明:网络路由传输功率随着网络节点数不断增加而持续降低。网络系统功率的合理分配可利用联合功率分配安全路由算法(Join power allocation secure routing, JPASR)算法网络拓扑结构实现,对比各算法所获功率在路由安全的情况下最低,节能效果最佳。为获取低误码率,当误码率门限较低时对应功率消耗量更大。相比于主成分分析(Principal-component analysis, FA)算法与安全路由(Secure route, SR)算法,JPASR算法传输所消耗的总功率更低。
   中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A
   Performance evaluation of total transmitted power consumption based on power allocation secure routing algorithm
   Wang Mingwei1, Li Kai2, Sun Jingjing2
   1. School of Intelligent Engineering, Taishan University of Science and Technology, Tai ’an 271000, Shandong, China
   2. Shandong Taikai Automation Co., LTD., Tai ’an 271000, Shandong, China
   Abstract: The problem of combinatorial eavesdropping exists in the optimization of physical layer security performance of multi-hop wireless sensor networks with complex structure. In order to improve the security of secure routing in Wireless sensor networks (WSN), a method for evaluating the performance of total transmitted power consumption based on secure routing algorithm of power distribution is designed. The results show that the power of network routing decreases with the increase of the number of network nodes. The rational power allocation of the network system can be realized by the network topology of the Join power allocation secure routing (JPASR) algorithm. Compared with other algorithms, the power obtained by the algorithm is the lowest in the case of route security, and the energy saving effect is the best. In order to obtain low bit error rate, the corresponding power consumption is larger when the bit error rate threshold is lower. Compared with the Principal-component analysis (FA) algorithm and the Secure route (SR) algorithm, the JPASR algorithm consumes less total power.
   Key words: wireless sensor network; routing algorithm; (未完,下一页


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