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当前位置:课件009首页 >> 职教研究 >> 专业论文 >> 工业变电站运维系统异常数据入侵检测互信息实现


王子杰,潘啸天 2024/10/3 8:25:50

   国网江苏省电力有限公司句容市供电分公司,江苏句容 212400
   中图分类号:TH17 文献标志码: A
   Implementation of mutual information of abnormal data intrusion detection in intelligent substation operation and maintenance system
   Wang Zijie, Pan Xiaotian
   Jurong Power Supply Branch of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., LTD., Jurong 212400, China
   Abstract: The operation and maintenance system of industrial substation is often subjected to different types of data intrusion during operation, which seriously affects the safety of substation and causes great economic losses. In order to further improve the security of operation and maintenance system, a mutual information technology-oriented abnormal data intrusion detection method for industrial substation operation and maintenance system is designed and tested, and the accuracy of this method is proved. The results show that the mutual information (MI) algorithm achieves higher feature extraction accuracy, significantly improves detection rate and reduces false positive rate compared with PCA algorithm. When the amount of data increases rapidly, the distributed model shows a shorter intrusion detection time. This research has a certain practical guiding significance for improving the stability of abnormal data intrusion detection in operation and maintenance systems. However, in small-probability attack types, the detection rate of this algorithm is zero, and further strengthening is expected.
   Key words: industrial substation; Operation and maintenance system; Mutual information method; Intrusion detection
   0 引言


页码选择:1 2 3
1 工业变电站运维系统异常数据入侵检
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