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Based on the normal class of professional certification

王岩 2024/9/3 8:46:41

接上页iment operation skills, etc.
   This paper is based on the era of normal professional certification education background, firm normal professional certification policy basis, closely around the status of the professional chemistry teachers skills training research topic, adhere to the teacher professional development theory, promote the reform of teachers’ skills training system, ensure the quality of teacher education personnel training in normal colleges and universities. That the pre-service chemistry teachers should correct the attitude, cherish and seriously treat every teaching method skills training, in view of the above current situation, try to correct, do a qualified people’s teachers, because we face in the future is the pillar of the country.The key to pre-vocational chemistry teachers ’skill training is to practice, correctly understand the connotation and generation of teachers’ practical wisdom, and advocate the training of teachers’ practical skills.
   In order to improve the status quo of pre-service chemistry teachers skills training, in order to train qualified teachers, and the following normal professional certification work to provide reference.This paper innovates in theory, and carries out the investigation and analysis, finds the existing problems, and puts forward many improvement measures for reference only.
   Reference documentation
   【1】Zhu Fei, a reflection on the ethics and ecology of modern teacher-student relations, [J]. Journal of Journal of Guangdong Youth Vocational College, 2018, (6) 12-13.
   【2】Li Dandan, the challenges and countermeasures of normal university students under the "national examination" system [D]. Master thesis of Harbin Normal University, 2018, (2) 3-4.
   【3】Wu Jun, Wen Ping, based on the teacher education professional teacher education curriculum system construction [J]. Journal of Journal of Hunan First Normal University, 2020, (16) 10-8.
   【4】Liu Xiji,(未完,下一页


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