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Based on the normal class of professional certification

王岩 2024/9/3 8:46:41

接上页mal university students were exposed to a series of courses about educational theory, such as pedagogy, psychology, educational psychology and chemistry teaching theory, but students often only rote to deal with the final exam and get credits, and do not really understand and master the knowledge of educational theory.Therefore, it is impossible to connect theory to practical teaching. Most interns do not inspire students well in teaching, and they cannot teach them in accordance with their aptitude.Whether it is a new lesson, or exercises lessons, or experiment lessons, they all use the same method.
   3. Skills requirements for normal university students
   3.1 Employment status of students majoring in Chemistry Education
   Since chemistry is only started in the third grade, the demand of chemistry teachers is significantly lower than that of other disciplines. So as for chemistry normal university students, it is not very easy to become a working teacher after graduation.On the one hand, there is a contradiction between the number of jobs and graduates, on the other hand, there is unit of choose and employ persons between students ’ability requirements and students’ ability, chemical education professional students employment situation from the current employment situation, normal students thought and practical ability and employment requirements will not be able to achieve completely unified, chemical education professional graduates in addition to most of the students engaged in education, and some choose to chemical, pharmaceutical enterprises engaged in product research and development, analysis, another part of students choose one’s deceased father grind, civil servants.[8]
   3.2Job placement skills requirements for students
   In addition to excellent quality and rich chemical knowledge, teachers should also have the use skills of Putonghua, chalk word standard writing skills, information technology application skills, chemical exper(未完,下一页


页码选择:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Basedonthenormal
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8 现代工业工程与新产品开发
9 中国数学史
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