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Based on the normal class of professional certification

王岩 2024/9/3 8:46:41

接上页 the teacher’s words and deeds will subtly affect the students. So the teacher’s experimental operation skills should be very strong, but many normal university students in the experimental teaching, the experimental operation is not correct. For example, when the liquid is dumped, it does not follow the correct operation in the book, but randomly pours into the beaker, the reagent label is not washed in the palm, the reagent bottle mouth is placed at will, and the used beaker is not cleaned, and the test table is not clean enough.Teacher’s words and deeds is very important. In order to become a qualified chemistry teacher, we should first regulate ourselves.
   (5) Inadequate teaching preparation
   Many normal university students in the experiment teaching, due to insufficient preparation, resulting in the lack of an instrument or a certain medicine when doing the experiment, resulting in the experiment can not go on. Secondly, they did not consider the possible problems in the experiment during the lesson preparation, resulting in the test tube burst, alcohol lamp fire and lack of drugs in the process of the experiment.
   2.4 Problems existing in educational practice
   (1) Internship attitude is not correct
   When the intern just arrives at the internship school, the school may not give many teaching tasks, or be responsible for the teaching of small subjects. Even take two or three classes a week, which makes the interns think that their internship work is not valued or important, so they take the internship work very seriously.In addition, some interns take the postgraduate entrance examination as a top priority, do not attend lectures in the internship school, preparing for the postgraduate examination.The postgraduate entrance examination is very important, but we also should cherish every opportunity to go on the platform.
   (2) Lack of educational theory, professional knowledge is not solid, poor strain ability.
   All chemistry nor(未完,下一页


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1 Basedonthenormal
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