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Based on the normal class of professional certification

王岩 2024/9/3 8:46:41

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   2. Current situation of teacher skill training of chemistry normal university students
   2.1 Problems existing in the micro-grid teaching of normal university students majoring in chemistry
   Through the questionnaire survey and analysis, we have analyzed many shortcomings in the skill training of pre-vocational chemistry professional normal university students.
   (1) Lack of understanding of micro-grid teaching
   Most of the teacher skills training courses of chemistry normal university students are concentrated in the third semester, and the junior year may carry out the in school lecture competition; the senior year mainly carries out educational practice.Although micro teaching is inseparable from the skill training of normal students, many normal students do not know micro teaching at all. In particular, the micro-class teaching time control is not in place.Usually micro classes only need to explain 10 minutes of content, but some students prepare 40 minutes of content.What is more, in order to lack a short time of pre-class introduction, class questioning links and blackboard writing. Because the micro course teaching time is very short, so the micro course teaching training mainly to several training. The integrity of the whole class structure should also be ensured.In this regard, many normal university students will understand the micro teaching as a short teaching content, teaching time can not time out.Therefore, some links and knowledge points will be deleted in the teaching design.
   (2) Lack of attention to micro-grid teaching
   Through the investigation, it is found that in many higher normal colleges and universities, many students are dealing with it for credits. If there is no teacher supervision, some normal university students will read to the courseware, just to com(未完,下一页


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1 Basedonthenormal
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