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Based on the normal class of professional certification

王岩 2024/9/3 8:46:41

   Study on the Current Situation of Skills Training for Pre-vocational Chemistry Normal University Students
   Wang Yan, Tonghua Normal University, 135000
   Abstract: At present, the main task of normal universities is to train qualified people’s teachers for primary and secondary schools. So for every normal university student, pre-service teacher skills training and some educational theories are their compulsory courses. The level of pre-service teacher skill training of normal university students directly affects the future teaching work of students. Especially for chemistry normal university students, we should not only have the basic teaching ability of teachers, but also have experimental operation skills. Therefore, transforming from an ordinary chemistry normal university student to a qualified chemistry teacher must go through many links, especially the pre-vocational chemistry professional normal university student skills training.
   This paper is based on the relevant theory of the skill training of pre-vocational chemistry students, combines its own practical experience, and adopts the questionnaire method to analyze the problems existing in the skill training of pre-vocational chemistry students. This paper is divided into three parts to study, from the beginning of the, and then the problems of the analysis.
   Key words: Pre-vocational chemistry professional normal university students; Normal university professional certification; Chemistry teacher skills training;
   With the development of society, the country pays more and more attention to the cultivation of talents, which cannot be separated from teachers.Therefore, the cultivation of teachers has always been a hot topic.It is particularly important to analyze and improve the pre-service teachers’ skill training, so as to promote the construction of high-quality teachers and promote the process of teacher professional development.
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1 Basedonthenormal
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