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当前位置:课件009首页 >> 职教研究 >> 专业论文 >> 基于超声波的分布式车辆视野盲区消除装置设计


孟美含 赵存睿 刘鹏 2024/2/3 19:49:58

   (泰山科技学院 智能工程学院,山东泰安,271000)
   关键词:AT89C52单片机 超声波 视野盲区 无线通讯
   Visual field blindness is an inherent defect of current vehicle design and an important factor causing traffic accidents. In today’s society, the protection devices designed for the blind area of vehicle visual field have many limitations and deficiencies, such as limited application scenarios, small protection range, high system cost, and few product types. In order to solve these problems, this paper designs a control device based on dual AT89C52 microcontroller, ultrasonic ranging technology and many-pair wireless communication technology to realize the blind area monitoring and remote alarm control device of upper computer. It mainly uses several freely distributed HC-SR04 ultrasonic monitoring units to cover and monitor the blind area of vehicle visual field. When obstacles are detected, automatic ranging can be realized, and danger classification of obstacles can be carried out, so as to determine the control instructions of the upper computer. Based on the wireless transmission function of nRF24L01, the wireless communication between the monitoring module and the upper computer can be realized to carry out remote alarm control, so as to remind the driver to pay attention to the surrounding environment. In this paper, after the completion of the hardware design and program design of the device, the simulation of the device through Proteus, successfully verified the design feasibility. The device is suitable for a wide range of vehicles, a large monitoring range, high(未完,下一页


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1 SS3电力机车车轴超声波探伤波形
2 超声波测距应用研究
3 滑动轴承的超声波无损检测
4 基于单片机的超声波测距系统的研究
5 基于超声波的分布式车辆视野盲区消
6 变压器超声波局部放电测试在电网的
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